* Corrie ten Boom with John and Elizabeth Sherrill, The Hiding Place, Guideposts Associates, 1971. ISBN 0-340-17930-9, ISBN 0-340-20845-7
* Corrie ten Boom with Jamie Buckingham, Tramp for the Lord, 1974, Hodder and Stoughton, London.
* Corrie ten Boom, Not Good If Detached, Christian Literature Crusade, 1980.
* Corrie ten Boom, Amazing Love, Christian Literature Crusade, 1982.
* Corrie ten Boom, Defeated Enemies, Christian Literature Crusade, 1983.
* Corrie ten Boom, Common Sense Not Needed-Revised, Christian Literature Crusade, 1994.
* Corrie ten Boom, Marching Orders for End Battle, Christian Literature Crusade.
* Corrie ten Boom, Plenty for Everyone, Christian Literature Crusade, 1980.
* Corrie ten Boom, In my Father's House, 1976.
* Corrie ten Boom, Each New Day, 1981.
* Corrie ten Boom, Father Ten Boom, God's Man, Fleming H Revell Co, 1978.
* Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom Co, 1977
More about Corrie and the ten Boom family at http://www.tenboom.com/en/